here it is, my first contribution to the house blog. man, can my housemates write! seriously what a girl got to do to stand out from these talented martians...i don't think i am capable of writing entertaining farn-ney-har-har posts but i guess i can provide the triple PMSs -pre- present- and post- menstrual ramblings here just to keep the hormonal imbalance in check:D
i had a day off today but u know the saying that the more u plan, the more u won't stick by it?
i had great ambitions for the day off i took today...made solemn promises to myself that i will justify the time off i took; either by catching up on my endless mundane self-housekeeping chores or just to catch up on the pile of reading work waiting for me to start...but in actual fact if my conscience would let me, i could even use a split toenail to try convince myself not to wake up 7 in the morning to travel an hour away in the name of education...
anyhoos, i did neither, instead i immersed myself into the new book i got from Amazon, for only $0.01 and $2.70 if plus delivery (hehe i m such a sucker for cheap deals)'s called Doctors by Erich Seagal, it's sooo good that i fell asleep reading it yesterday and stayed in bed till 2 in the afternoon today with it * blush blush*
ahh it has been a while since i have indulged myself in such luxury and it feels damn good...the book's like reading the Gray's Anatomy ( i meant the tv series, not the textbook,duh)except that in your head Mc.Dreamy can look like Mc Dreamy plus Mc. Steamy plus Brad Pitt all roll into one...
okies, i guess that's all i have to write for my first rambling on this blog, wana get back to my book:D i am one of those kind who will have to put her life into halt-mode just to finish a good's bad i know, but habits die hard...and housemates, i m SURE u guys will understand why we might have to have instant noodles for dinner tonight,hehe
wish it could be more substantial but then i feel that i am under pressure from my housemates to put something up so that we can officially launch the house blog now that all 3 of us has a contributory post of some sort:D
yayy...hip hip hooray!!!
aizad and kamal: ...

SEOW! I want to read that book!! sounds like my kinda book hehehe
darn it.. i was late by a fraction of a second.. priority to housemates, seowie!
... but im still thankful for not having only instant noodles tonite...
To anonymous,
Go buy your own booklah.....
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