Saturday, October 28, 2006

Seowie's Bday Scare

The effort my housemates put into my birthday surprise deserves an entire blog due to its ingenuity...Byn would be damn proud of the boys when he hears about this!
As I mentioned before, the gang threw me a birthday surprise during the Raya celebration, it was the usual Dunkirk birthday surprise recipe... the cake, the people, the cameramens, hehe but i guess I was too blur to provide the non-surprised-birthday-gurl-can see it coming from a mile-element:D

Thus I wasn't expecting anything on 25th Oct other than a few friends whom I called over to have a small takeaway dinner with...which is as much as I thought I can muster the spirit for, since I sorely lacked of sleep due to the oncall duty I had the night before...

Anyhoos, when the doorbell rang, I went down to open the door, thinking that it was Li was strange that Aizad did not open the door but then I thought he was on the phone with his family back home, which was what he told me when he left Kamal and I halfway through chilling in my room...

Just as I was about to open the door, the whole house went pitch black, the only lights i can see was the scary blue tinge light from kamal's computer...before suddenly a freaky ghoulish laugh came on loudly! I tried to open the door and it refused to budge, and with the floor being damp, images of dark waters flashed into my mind...seriously, it freaked me out to the point that i cried...I was screaming hysterically and desperately yanking at the door handle when finally aizad's door open and everyone yelled surprise!!


I was too shaken to even blow the candles on my birthday cake! The first instinct was to punch both Kamal and Aizad ( which I did with all my energy's worth, hehe...though I felt a tad guilty after I saw the very very nice white leather chair they got me * blush, blush*) embarassing is it for everyone to hear me being hysterically scared... though to be fair, Rekha, Amanda and Rainee agreed that they will be freaked out too if in the same situation...

We had somwang after that and the usual chilling and pics session...

( finaaaally calmed down to take pics with my bros...check out the cool card they made me!)

all in all, it was a good birthday, sitting on my new very, very comfy plush leather chair...

i felt really touched that my housemates went through the trouble to make my birthday memorable...( though they must have enjoyed freaking me out just as much?;P) thanks so much guys for all the effort: for carrying the heavy chair all the way from beeston, assembling it in silence,for timing the sequence of events,for the effort to scare the shit out of me, for somwang, for clearing up...

and who said that guys can't make the effort for friends?
me <3 me bros!

thanks so much to everyone else on that day who made me feel that being 23 is not that bad after all:)

DeepaRaya weekend

It certainly has been a while since any updates have been done to this page...i guess being medic students with overloaded work plus the happening-ness of dunkirksville certainly is not a good combo for blog mantainence! :D hehe excuses excuses!

nehoos, the last week went pass like a whirlwind, firstly there was great food during the deepavali celebration held by the MICs...the effort they put into the food was certainly appreciated, judging by the numbers of helpings people made! hehe the gurls at 21 Greenfield Street put in much effort too to join in the deepavali spirit! convinced Imaan and I into dressing up, great fun ...though we were late ;0)

(Naz-the-hot-stuff and his harem during deepavali celeb...hehehe)

Then on Sunday, had raya celeb at 21 Greenfield...that was great fun too with fab food,great company...the festive atmosphere was comparable to the ones at home...with lagu raya and all, hehe guess the only thing missing was the duit raya that I can get from visitings! Though, technically,imaan should be able to give out duit raya now that she's married, no?
Prior to the night, spent the whole day baking with imaan while the boys were making their ever so famour nasi himpit...

( the kitchen gang....)

(family potrait: 2 bros and a sis)

The gang threw me an early birthday surprise on Sunday as well...hence the unexpected story in the next blog....

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Hallo hallo, we're back (kinda) after a 3-wk hiatus from this blog. Reasons? Mostly laziness, lack of effort, and the too too happening* lives we're leading that we couldn't find time to blog!

*happening defined as doing housework, surfing the net, cooking & washing dishes, but not socialising.

But what has that got to do with the title of this entry? (yes, ppl, we've finally figured out that we could put entry titles) As you lot must have figured, it's not the japanese anime, or the washing detergent, but our hair! Jeng jeng jeng! After much persuasion from the chef who underwent the bleaching treatment, the young men of the house proudly put on the bin bag around their necks and got their hair treated as well. Of course, as long as it's not Ganesya messing around with your hair, nothing could go horribly wrong. Plus, of all people in Dunkirksville, we got the Hairdresser in the house! (mamareena la, who else)

From L to R: the model cum artist, the ho lenglui, and Jason Ng Chew Seong (from Sepet)

Of course, the photo would've been complete if our buddy dedos was there. After about a year in Notts and living in 3 separate houses in that time (yeah we all know which house he liked most muahaha), he's finally gone back home. We will surely miss this wonderful buddy of ours; his charm, narcissism, rempit-ness, and all the like (cue: awww...)

"Ohh, ded, why did you have to go~?"

But as a wiseman once said, all good things come and go, what to do. Till next week (hopefully if we don't slack off), we're signing off with a tinge of sadness in our hearts and a tinge of brownness in our hair (.........). Mueskueskues...