Boys will be boys?! Ish ish thought our chef would be wiser than taking a swipe at the male population, especially when she IS currently living with two of them... (mal, gi babab die)
Well, guess I do have to agree with some of her points, but then again, not all males would cauterize themselves when they bleed. Putting aside the macho-ness issue, the idea itself is quite ridiculous.
To further illustrate my point, imagine me and Kamal in the toilet together.
No, people, not that image. Ish ish.
Anyway, let's say I was shaving and Kamal was cleaning the sink.
Me & Kamal: La la la la la....
Me: *razor cuts skin* Aduhhh... berdarah bibirku.
Kamal: You okay, dude?
Me: Aduuhhh... banyak sungguh darah di bibirku. Mal, tolong panaskan stove.
Kamal: Ohh ko nak buat ape?
Me: Nak cauterize bibir.
Kamal: ................
See my point? Not only will I confuse people with such a bizarre request, I definitely won't be able to stop the bleeding for the next 10 minutes while waiting for the stove to heat up! Wonder why people invented plasters.
And the 'thong shot' game, I must say it's quite interesting (try it out at Men are horny creatures after all, but you've still got to admire the ingenuity in attracting people to the game.
Okay, compare these two, and see which one you're more likely to play.

The old, obsolete version...

The banging hot new game! Aye aye aye...
And of course, it will appeal more to the males. I mean, the thought of Seowie shooting coins/bottlecaps from another woman's thong is pretty disturbing... (hmm...)
On another issue altogether, I just want to say that she still makes the best claypot rice in Dunkirk, as certain past events may suggest the contrary. Of course, provided it's not three days old, and you don't exert yourself on dance dance revolution (p/s: 'standard' difficulty) straight away after eating it, you should reach a decent level of satiety without any problems.
Ahhh.. I feel good now, after unleashing my 'creative juices' onto this blog, with my 'pent up' ideas almost begging to be let loose after two weeks of suppression, thanks to my dear housemaid who paved the way for that to happen.
Boy, do I need to be more careful with what I say (Girls, I tell you... :P)
Till then, mueskueskues....
Well, guess I do have to agree with some of her points, but then again, not all males would cauterize themselves when they bleed. Putting aside the macho-ness issue, the idea itself is quite ridiculous.
To further illustrate my point, imagine me and Kamal in the toilet together.
No, people, not that image. Ish ish.
Anyway, let's say I was shaving and Kamal was cleaning the sink.
Me & Kamal: La la la la la....
Me: *razor cuts skin* Aduhhh... berdarah bibirku.
Kamal: You okay, dude?
Me: Aduuhhh... banyak sungguh darah di bibirku. Mal, tolong panaskan stove.
Kamal: Ohh ko nak buat ape?
Me: Nak cauterize bibir.
Kamal: ................
See my point? Not only will I confuse people with such a bizarre request, I definitely won't be able to stop the bleeding for the next 10 minutes while waiting for the stove to heat up! Wonder why people invented plasters.
And the 'thong shot' game, I must say it's quite interesting (try it out at Men are horny creatures after all, but you've still got to admire the ingenuity in attracting people to the game.
Okay, compare these two, and see which one you're more likely to play.

The old, obsolete version...

The banging hot new game! Aye aye aye...
And of course, it will appeal more to the males. I mean, the thought of Seowie shooting coins/bottlecaps from another woman's thong is pretty disturbing... (hmm...)
On another issue altogether, I just want to say that she still makes the best claypot rice in Dunkirk, as certain past events may suggest the contrary. Of course, provided it's not three days old, and you don't exert yourself on dance dance revolution (p/s: 'standard' difficulty) straight away after eating it, you should reach a decent level of satiety without any problems.
Ahhh.. I feel good now, after unleashing my 'creative juices' onto this blog, with my 'pent up' ideas almost begging to be let loose after two weeks of suppression, thanks to my dear housemaid who paved the way for that to happen.
Boy, do I need to be more careful with what I say (Girls, I tell you... :P)
Till then, mueskueskues....
cauterize tu gapo weh?
"cauterize: burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent"
was referring to seow's post of the guy stopping his bleeding using a heated spoon! hang tak rasa tuh pelik ka hahaha
oooo. cam rambo bakar luka dia ngan gunpowder tu eh?
haaa camtuh ah... hebat hang mencari contoh
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