Brief Updates!
As this blog hasn't been updated in ages (I'm totally blaming the lazy hausmets! =P), I'm just dropping a post as proof that we're still alive & breathing (albeit very verrryyy slowly).
First off, the artist;
1) has just finished his geriatrics attachment & is now back on psych
2) has starred in 'gamelan', a traditional malay/indonesian musical as part of nusantara production. As expected, he fashionably mesmerized the audience with his 'detached' look throughout the show (note to kudo: u missed the sizzlin' performance, buddy!)
3) has finally opted to grace notts msian nite '07 with his talents, after endless begging and nagging from the committee & friends (note to artist: eleeeehhhhhhhh ckp je taknak)
4) still has a messy room (so, what else is new?)(haha)
And the chef;
1) has also just finished her geriatrics attachment & is now back to meeting unique ppl on the wards
2) is so far pleasantly fulfilling her role well, as the cook, housemaid, and slavedriver
3) should not be left alone to do house groceries, as that will result in severely debilitating bills (still feel the pain... oh byn)
4) has made yet another new year's resolution of trying not to be blur (again, what else is new?)(mueheheh)
Not forgetting, the ubi;
1) is still doing his paeds in chavland
2) has completed final fantasy xii (& seeking guilt-free time for xenosaga epIII)
3) has been struck with back pain for about a mth, but now almost fully recovered, thanks to meds by sangee, ponstan by jerereee, diclofenac by the gp, and exercises by a brawny east European physio (hmm...)
4) still looks like an aubergine (or an eggplant, apparently)
Also, we've recently signed our house contract for 07/08, so guess the name of this blog won't change for awhile!
On a lazy Sunday afternoon...
Me: La la la la (perving on friendster)
Kamal: La la la la (singing on his guitar)
Dum! dum! dum! *footsteps coming down the stairs*
Seowie: (faraway muffled cute-with-an-agenda voice) Guyyyyssss! Jom basuh toiletttttt~!
Me & Kamal: ................ *peluh*

First off, the artist;
1) has just finished his geriatrics attachment & is now back on psych
2) has starred in 'gamelan', a traditional malay/indonesian musical as part of nusantara production. As expected, he fashionably mesmerized the audience with his 'detached' look throughout the show (note to kudo: u missed the sizzlin' performance, buddy!)
3) has finally opted to grace notts msian nite '07 with his talents, after endless begging and nagging from the committee & friends (note to artist: eleeeehhhhhhhh ckp je taknak)
4) still has a messy room (so, what else is new?)(haha)
And the chef;
1) has also just finished her geriatrics attachment & is now back to meeting unique ppl on the wards
2) is so far pleasantly fulfilling her role well, as the cook, housemaid, and slavedriver
3) should not be left alone to do house groceries, as that will result in severely debilitating bills (still feel the pain... oh byn)
4) has made yet another new year's resolution of trying not to be blur (again, what else is new?)(mueheheh)
Not forgetting, the ubi;
1) is still doing his paeds in chavland
2) has completed final fantasy xii (& seeking guilt-free time for xenosaga epIII)
3) has been struck with back pain for about a mth, but now almost fully recovered, thanks to meds by sangee, ponstan by jerereee, diclofenac by the gp, and exercises by a brawny east European physio (hmm...)
4) still looks like an aubergine (or an eggplant, apparently)
Also, we've recently signed our house contract for 07/08, so guess the name of this blog won't change for awhile!
On a lazy Sunday afternoon...
Me: La la la la (perving on friendster)
Kamal: La la la la (singing on his guitar)
Dum! dum! dum! *footsteps coming down the stairs*
Seowie: (faraway muffled cute-with-an-agenda voice) Guyyyyssss! Jom basuh toiletttttt~!
Me & Kamal: ................ *peluh*

Till then, mueskueskues...
very much so, my fren. honto nii.
hahahaha! told you it's in kamal's blood! tanak blakon konon =P
hahaha, got rid of them already. for some reason, they keep coming & coming.
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